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Avtor Sporočilo
Guardian Angel
Guardian Angel

Pridružen/-a: 20.04. 2007, 21:55
Prispevkov: 3900
Kraj: ..somewhere over the rainbow..

PrispevekObjavljeno: Ned 13 Maj 2007 13:34    Naslov sporočila: Splošni horoskopi znakov Odgovori s citatom

ŽENSKI horoskop

OVEN - Od 21. Marca do 20. Aprila

Vladajoči planet: Mars
Element: ogenj
Dinamika: kardinalni
Barva: rdeča
Drag kamen: diamant
žival: ovca, oven
Kovina: železo
Ujemanje z znaki: Strelec, Lev, Vodnar, Dvojček
Disharmonija z znaki: Rak ali Kozorog

Za žensko Ovna ni ljubezen nikoli alfa in omega, saj se preveč zanima za življenje okoli sebe, da bi ji pomenila vse. Pogosto je sama. Zlahka živi brez moškega, čeprav vedno potrebuje junaka svojih sanj, da lahko o njem sanjari. Zelo je samostojna, sama se oblači in si odpira vrata, pokliče taksi, mora pa biti tudi povsod prva, tista, ki začne. To velja tudi za ljubezen. Vedno ima veliko občudovalcev in oboževalcev, vendar jih pogosto niti ne opazi, ker je zazrta v Nekoga, ki ga ne more imeti. Dokler še kaj čuti do svojega partnerja je njena zvestoba nepremakljiva. Na ljudi, ki jih ljubi je zelo ponosna, vendar pogosto ljubosumna in posestniška, čeprav zase zahteva vso svobodo.

Pri delu je uspešna ne glede na to kakšno službo opravlja. Občutek brezdelja jo požene v obup. Ničesar se ne ustraši in lotila se bo vsakega opravila, če le obeta, da je zanimivo. Pogosto se ji dogajajo čudeži, ker vanje tako zelo verjame. V sebi je pogosto negotova, čeprav tega ne boste nikoli opazili navzven. Kot zakonska žena bo imela veliko konjičkov, saj je dom ne zaposli popolnoma. Nikoli ne bo hišna gospodinja, ki vljudno čaka na svojega moža, da se vrne domov, pa tudi hišna opravila ji niso ljuba. Njen otrok bo čist in zdrav, predvsem pa ljubljen. Pravljice mu bo brala sama, saj neprestano tudi sama živi v pravljičnem svetu. Iz svojih potomcev bo naredila celotne in samostojne osebnosti.

Ženska Oven je lepe postave in ravno tako lepega obraza, vendar pogosto zboli na ledvicah, želodcu in je nagnjena k glavobolom. Pogosto tudi zboli na očeh.

Casanova, Charlie Chaplin, Louis Adamič, Jurij Šubic, Rihard Jakopič, Anica Černejeva, Tone Seliškar, Jennifer Capriati, David Coulthard, Ashley Judd, Mariah Carey, Patricia Arquette, Quentin Tarantino, Emma Thompson, Andy Garcia, Steven Seagal…

BIK - Od 21. Aprila do 21. Maja

Vladajoči planet: Venera
Element: zemlja
Dinamika: stalni
Barva: rožnata
Drag kamen: safir, včasih smaragd
žival: govedo
Kovina: baker
Ujemanje z znaki: Devica, Kozorog, Rak, Ribi
Disharmonija z znaki: Lev, Škorpijon, Vodnar

Bikica je nenavadna ženska. Potrpežljivo zleze, ali pa kar skoči, čez vsako zapreko, ki se ji postavi na pot. Je sol zemlje, skupek lastnosti, ki jih večina moških zaman išče. Je vesela in ljubi zabavo. Ima silovit temperament, vendar se nikoli ne razburja brez vzroka. Je iskrena in poštena, brez ženskega sprenevedanja in igračkanja. Ima zanimive prijatelje iz umetniškega in glasbenega sveta, pa tudi politične delavce, vendar pa so vsi pravi ljudje in med njimi ne boste našli napihnjenih lutk ali votlih kipcev. Do njih je trdna in zvesta do konca.

Zanimanja Bikice ni lahko zbuditi. Kot magnet jo privlači skladnost in urejenost, kar bo občudovala tudi na svojem izbrancu. Veliko naklonjenost čuti do narave, pa tudi oblači se preprosto in elegantno. Všeč so ji barve, predvsem bogatejše, in ima izjemen čut za umetnost in glasbo. Zna tudi kuhati in k njej se splača priti na obisk s praznim želodcem. Rada živi brez naglice in ko se čuti priganjana jo to krepko razjezi.

Materinstvo ji zelo pristoji, saj se odlično staplja z njeno resno naravo in umirjenim temperamentom. Ko otroci odrastejo je do njih pogosto prezahtevna. Ne prenese lenobe in nemarnosti, zato bodo njeni potomci vedno urejeni in čisti. Pred zunanjim svetom jih bo branila ter jih učila poštenosti in poguma z lastnim zgledom.
Pogosto jo prizadenejo razne otekline, glavoboli in zoboboli ter bolezni vratu, ščitnice in kožni izpuščaji.

Honore de Balzac, Maria Theresia, Ivan Cankar, Maks Fabiani, Anton Janša, Kirsten Dunst, Jure Košir, Uma Thurman, Cate Blanchet, Linda Evangelista, George Clooney, Denis Rodman, Bono, Michelle Pfeiffer…

DVOJČKA - Od 22. Maja do 21. Junija

Vladajoči planet: Merkur
Element: zrak
Dinamika: nestalen
Barva: skoraj vse, prevladuje rumena
Drag kamen: ahat
žival: majhne ptice, papige, metulji, opice
Kovina: živo srebro
Ujemanje z znaki: Tehtnica, Vodnar, Lev in Oven
Disharmonija z znaki: Devica, Ribi

Kdor si želi harem žena naj se odloči za Dvojčico, tako je raznolika v sebi. Žal je, dokler ne odraste, ljubezen zanjo le ena od iger, s katerimi si krajša čas. Je živahen in vesel družabnik. Ko je v svojem veselem obdobju bo kar žarela od brezskrbnosti, duhovitih opazk in se bo pogovarjala razumno o kateri koli zadevi pod ljubim nebom. Nobena druga ženska vas ne bo tako navduševala z raznolikostjo svoje ljubezni in privlačnostjo ter šarmantnostjo. Ker imajo svetu povedati in posredovati še najmanj enkrat toliko kot drugi jim tudi poslovna uspešnost ne nudi dovolj možnosti za to, da bi se izrazile.

Večina jih je zaposlenih, saj bi doma od samote znorele. Ker ima rada negotovost in avanture ji bo vsaka nova služba nov izziv in s tem prava radost. Njena čud zahteva stalne spremembe in če njenega partnerja ni ob njej, ga pozabi hitreje kot kateri koli drugi znak. Dvojčica si resnično želi prave ljubezni, vendar se ji le-ta izmika, želi si postati mati, pa se ji tudi to izmuzne. V vsakem moškem najde drugačno popolnost in zato nemirno ves čas išče tistega, ki ima vse zanjo potrebne značilnosti.

Kot soproga bo storila vse, kar se od nje zahteva, tudi zvesta bo, dokler jo partner dovolj zanima. Ujemati se morata duhovno in telesno. Domača opravila jo dolgočasijo, gospodinjiti ne mara in postelje pušča nepostlane, posodo nepomito. Raje prebira zanimive knjige in filozofske razprave. Kot mati bo radostna in smejoča. Otroci je ne bodo ovirali, ker bo preveč zaposlena z drugimi rečmi. Če jo bodo oponašali bodo zaradi njene samostojnosti izgradili dobro osebnost.
Dvojčice so nagnjene k živčnosti, bronhitisom in astmi.

Josephine Baker, Anna Frank, Thomas Mann, Jean-Paul Sartre, Marylin Monroe, John F Kennedy, Janez Trdina, Ilka Vašte, Ivan Grohar, Maksim Sedej, Janez Jalen, Norman Vincent Peale, Angelina Jolie, Anna Kournikova, Allanis Morissette, Rubens Barrichello, Noel Gallagher, Nicole Kidman, Lenny Kravitz, Johnny Depp…



..ker nikoli ne veš.. mogoče se pa moraš še vrniti po kaj, kar si imel namesto svojega malega plišastega medvedka in ti je močno priraslo k srcu.
Nazaj na vrh
Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo Pošlji E-sporočilo
Guardian Angel
Guardian Angel

Pridružen/-a: 20.04. 2007, 21:55
Prispevkov: 3900
Kraj: ..somewhere over the rainbow..

PrispevekObjavljeno: Ned 13 Maj 2007 13:40    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

RAK - Od 22. Junija do 22. Julija

Vladajoči planet: Mesec
Element: voda
Dinamika: kardinalni
Barva: srebrno siva
Drag kamen: biser
žival: bitja z oklepi (školjke, raki,…)
Kovina: srebro
Ujemanje z znaki: Ribi, Škorpijon, Devica, Bik
Disharmonija z znaki: Kozorog, Tehtnica, Oven

Rakica je lahko mesečeva vila ali nezanesljiva ptica prismojenka. Malo so nore, rahlo otožne in imajo izjemno domišljijo. Poleg tega so prave mojstrice za ravnanje z denarjem. Mesec ji bo spravil na dan njena skrivna občutja, bližina vode bo sprostila tisoč in eno zavoro, ki se kopičijo v njenem oklepu. Njene spremembe so osupljive. Tudi Rakica ni popolna, vendar je ne smete kritizirati, zelo jo rani posmehovanje in ne prenaša zavrnitve na ljubezenskem področju. Nikoli vam ne bo povedala vsega o sebi, ker imajo Raki radi svoje skrivnosti, če se že pogovarjajo o zaupnih stvareh pa boste vi tisti, ki se bo izpovedal.
Strah jo je vsega mogočega, od tega da ni lepa, do tega, da ima grdo kožo, da ni dovolj pametna, dovolj mlada ali pa premalo zrela.

V sebi skriva sposobnosti, ki bi zasenčile tudi mojstra kuhe in kuhinja je njen najljubši prostor (razen otroške sobe). Svojega partnerja bo vedno presenečala s svojimi poslasticami. Pri tem pa jo bo vedno grizlo ali je ne ljubi več. Potrebno ji je pokazati, da je to daleč od resnice, saj ne pozna plitkih čustev in ko enkrat poseduje vaše srce je to za vedno. Potrpežljivost krasi vse ženske rojene v tem znaku. Za ljubljeno osebo bi storila in žrtvovala kar koli.

Tudi svojim otrokom bo trdna opora in varno prebivališče. Na njihovi poti jim bo pomagala s svojim razumevajočim srcem in pretanjeno naravo. Rak vlada nad materinstvom, zato bo morala paziti, da svojih otrok preveč ne razvadi. Za njeno družino ni nič dovolj dobro, zato je nekaterim otrokom zelo težko se otresti materinega zaščitništva celo ko odrasejo.
Rakica pogosto zboli za boleznimi želodca, trebušne slinavke in na prsih.

Rembrandt, Jean La Fontaine, Ernest Hemingway, Juš Kozak, Miran Jarc, Franc Metelko, Friderik Irenej Baraga, Liv Tyler, Ralf Schumacher, Pamela Anderson, George Michael, Tom Cruise, Kevin Bacon, Isabelle Adjani, Tom Hanks, Willem Dafoe, Sylvester Stallone, Harrison Ford…

LEV - Od 23. Julija do 23. Avgusta

Vladajoči planet: Sonce
Element: ogenj
Dinamika: stalni
Barva: barve sonca od vzhoda do zahoda
Drag kamen: rubin
žival: velike živali, zlasti mačke
Kovina: zlato
Ujemanje z znaki: Strelec, Oven, Tehtnica in Dvojček
Disharmonija z znaki: Vodnar, Škorpijon in Bik

Levinja je v svoji duši sentimentalna, je pa tudi preveč priljubljena in do njenega srca si bo treba utirati pot skozi horde oboževalcev. Če je v njenem občudovalcu kaj plemenitega ima prednost pred ostalimi, viteštvo jo vedno privlači. Rojena je za vladanje in ukazovanje ter določanje mode in vedenja. Vulgarnost in sleng je ne ganeta. V svojem izbrancu bo občudovala predvsem njegovo moškost, ne pa sposobnost izgovarjanja puhlic.

Narava jo je obdarila z živahnostjo, bistrino, lepoto, gracioznostjo in spolno privlačnostjo za tri druge in še malo povrhu. Nikoli je ne bo mogoče ukrotiti v gospodinjo, ki čaka na gospodarja, da se vrne domov. Kot gospodinje ne zdrže in se vržejo v prirejanje zabav in sprejemov. Kot žena je pravi biser, čeprav ni vedno zvesta.

Imeti mora službo in v njej kariero sicer oveni doma. Revščina ali samo pogled nanjo jo potre. Sama ima velikokrat težave z denarjem, saj je njen okus izbran, čeprav drag. Spodrsne ji, ko je v položaju, da lahko zapravlja za dragocenosti, pohištvo za dom, darila za prijatelje… Veliko Levinj je ljubiteljic športa in športnic, vendar raje vidijo, če jih peljete v gledališče ali v opero.

Kot mati bo otroke preplavljala z razkošnimi čustvi in široko roko. Le težko bo zapazila njihove napake, toda ko jih bo, bo dosledno obračunala z njimi. Prenekatera Levinja je sposobna razvaditi svoje otroke, pa čeprav ne varčuje z rabo kuhalnice. Z materinstvom jih ne bo dušila v njihovi samostojnosti.
Pogosto zboli na želodcu, srcu, težave pa ji povzročajo tudi zobje in izpuščaji. Tarejo jo tudi bolečine v hrbtenici.

Aleksandre Dumas st., Henry Ford, Carl Gustav Jung, Benito Mussolini, Napoleon Bonaparte, Bernard Shaw, Prežihov Voranc, Leopold Suhodolčan, Jernej Kopitar, Ben Affleck, Jennifer Lopez, Christian slater, Sandra Bullock, Pete Sampras, Wesley Snipes, Woody Harrelson, Antonio Banderas, Kevin Spacey, Madonna, Arnold Schwarzenegger…

DEVICA - Od 24. Avgusta do 22. Septembra

Vladajoči planet: Merkur
Element: zemlja
Dinamika: nestalen
Barva: mornarsko modra, temno rjava, zelena
Drag kamen: sardoniks
žival: vse domače živali (pes, mačka,...)
Kovina: živo srebro, nikelj
Ujemanje z znaki: Kozorog, Bik, Rak in Škorpijon
Disharmonija z znaki: Dvojček, Strelec, Ribi

Devica, navkljub splošni predstavi, ni nežna eterična vila. Zmožna je zapustiti moža zaradi človeka, ki ga je srečala in vzljubila ob morju, imeti otroka z ljubimcem ne glede na poroko in se zoperstaviti svetu z dvignjeno glavo. Res pa je, da je v bistvu plašna, čeprav je prava ženska. Ima močno voljo in srečo zasleduje toliko časa, dokler je ne ujame. Ne potrebuje nobene pomoči, da bi živela. Merkurjevo dekle je perfekcionistka, kar pa ne pomeni, da je popolna.

Ima nekaj slabih lastnosti, ki so utrujajoče. Prepričana je namreč, da ga ni na svetu, ki bi znal stvari urejati tako dobro kot to počne ona. V tem se sicer le redko moti. Zoprne so tudi glede točnosti, pa tudi za norca jih ne morete imeti. Občutljiva je na obnašanje in pravilno rabo materinega jezika, ne prenaša preklinjanja in pijančevanja. Njen soprog naj se sprijazni z rednim britjem dvakrat na dan, urejeno obleko in jutranjimi in večernimi tuši. Njeno težnjo k popolnosti je najbolje obravnavati kot čednost namesto slabost.

Prijetno pri njej je, da ji lahko prepustite vse skrbi. Rade volje jih bo prevzela in dodala še nekaj svojih. Nezvesta je izjemno redko.
V njen dom je vedno lepo priti. Objel vas bo vonj čistoče, pa tudi oblačila se bo čedno in bo znala z vami govoriti o vsem mogočem.

Na njene otroke ne boste naleteli, kako smrkavi in raztrgani tekajo po soseščini.Devica je čvrst vladal svojih potomcev. Le redko ima več kot enega otroka in nekako ne potrebuje materinstva za svoje žensko poslanstvo.
Trpi za boleznimi trebuha, trebušne slinavke, jeter ter je nagnjena k prabavnim motnjam.

Agatha Christie, Cesare Borgia, Sophia Loren, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Lev Tolstoj, Ivan Tavčar, Janko Kersnik, Fran Erjavec, Miško Kranjec, Cameron Diaz, Claudia Shiffer, River Phoenix, Jason Priestley, Salma Hayek, Goran Ivaniševič,...



..ker nikoli ne veš.. mogoče se pa moraš še vrniti po kaj, kar si imel namesto svojega malega plišastega medvedka in ti je močno priraslo k srcu.
Nazaj na vrh
Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo Pošlji E-sporočilo
Guardian Angel
Guardian Angel

Pridružen/-a: 20.04. 2007, 21:55
Prispevkov: 3900
Kraj: ..somewhere over the rainbow..

PrispevekObjavljeno: Ned 13 Maj 2007 13:46    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

TEHTNICA - Od 23. Septembra do 23. Oktobra

Vladajoči planet: Venera
Element: zrak
Dinamika: kardinalni
Barva: vsi modri odtenki, rožnata in svetlo zelena
Drag kamen: safir, žad
žival: kuščarji in majhni reptili
Kovina: baker, včasih bron
Ujemanje z znaki: Dvojček, Vodnar, Strelec in Lev
Disharmonija z znaki: Oven, Kozorog in Rak

Tehtnica je ženska izredno ostrega razuma s katerim se lahko postavi po robu vsakemu moškemu. Je pravi suženj poštenosti. Nagnjena je k temu, da vsako stvar trikrat premeri, da ne bi česa spregledala. Moški, ki ga bo zanimala bo v njej našel tovarištvo, prijateljstvo, ljubezen in strast. Seveda pa bo moral biti tudi on dovolj zanimiv zanjo.

Večina teh deklet Venere je zaposlena pred in po poroki. Denar potrebujejo za lepe stvari, ki jim jih le-ta lahko omogoči. Ljubijo namreč nove obleke, drage dišave, klasično glasbo in podobno.
Samotnost sovraži tako poslovno kot čustveno. Druženje ji v vseh področjih življenja zadovolji najgloblje potrebe. Nerada dela sama in še težje samotno živi. Zanjo je zakon skupna pustolovščina, katere zakonitosti so bolj zapletene in natančne od zavarovalne police.

Njen dom bo kot iz priročnikov za notranje dekoriranje. Med seboj ujemajoče se barve in slogi, vse se bo stapljalo v prijetno celoto. Prti bodo čisti, kosilo pravočasno na mizi, rožice v sredini, dobro vino in tiha glasba.

Otroci bodo z njene strani negovani in ljubljeni, toda če smo pošteni – daleč za partnerjem. Partner bo vedno zasedal največji del njenega srca. To ne pomeni, da so njeni otroci nezaželeni in zanemarjeni. Kot mati je Tehtnica nežna, toda več kot dovolj čvrsta, ko se pokaže potreba. Svoje otroke bo najprej naučila, da ne smejo biti nikoli nespoštljivi do svojih staršev.
Nekatere tehtnice se zaradi svoje ljubezni do sladkarij nagibajo k debelosti. Rada se tudi predolgo zadržuje na zabavah, kjer si vsi nazdravljajo z dobrim vincem.

Brigitte Bardot, Eleonora Duse, Friedrich Wilhelm, Mahatma Gandhi, Friedrich Nietzsche, Oscar Wilde, Simon Gregorčič, Fran Levstik, Edvard Kocbek, Ciril Kosmač, Alicia Silverstone, Gwyneth Paltrow, Matt Damon, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Will Smith, Jean-Claude Van Damme...

ŠKORPIJON - Od 24. Oktobra do 22. Novembra

Vladajoči planet: Pluton
Element: voda
Dinamika: stalen
Barva: temnordeča in kostanjeva
Drag kamen: opal
žival: raki, večina insektov
Kovina: železo oziroma jeklo
Ujemanje z znaki: Rak, Riba, Kozorog in Devica
Disharmonija z znaki: Bik, Lev, Vodnar

Škorpijonka ima v sebi globoko in skrivnostno lepoto. Ona je magnetična, ponosna, in popolnoma samozavestna. Žal ji je samo, ker ni bila rojena kot moški in jo skeli, ker nima enakih prednosti kakor jih imajo v družbi oni. Nikoli ne neodločna in omahljiva. Uspe ji ostati ženska ne da bi se zato morala odreči svoji neodvisnosti. Zato tudi ne prenese slabičev in si želi korajžne in ambiciozne moške, moške, ki ji bodo kos in na katere bo lahko ponosna. Njen izbranec mora biti nadpovprečno bister, možat in prikupen. Ona izjemno ljubi ali pa izjemno sovraži in je po znaku nagnjena k temačni strani življenja. Tuje skrivnosti rada vsrkava vase, vendar jih nikomur ne izda, niti svojemu partnerju do katerega je nezaslišano zvesta, če le on ni šlapa. Včasih je nerazumno ljubosumna, čeprav nima nobene osnove za to. Sama je posestniška, vendar pa lastnika nad seboj ne more trpeti.

Za škorpijonko poročni papir ni bistven za odnos. Nihče ji ne bo preprečil, da ne bi živela z moškim, ki ga ljubi, čeprav bodo ljudje zaradi tega do nje gojili predsodke in jo obrekovali. Merila si postavlja sama in se jih strogo drži.

Škorpijonke ljubijo svoj dom, ki se običajno sveti od čistoče in žari od udobja. Hrana je pravočasno na mizi in stvari so običajno pod čvrstim nadzorom. Pri družinskem proračunu je Plutonka popolnoma nepredvidljiva. Najprej varčuje, nato pa se spusti v razsipanje kot bi zadela na lotu.
Kadar ji kdo naredi kaj dobrega tega nikoli ne pozabi ampak vedno vrne.

Pri otrocih bo njena zadržanost nezadovoljujoča za otroke, ki pa bodo kljub temu čutili globoko navezanost do nje in imeli zato dovolj čustvene gotovosti. Zato pa bo privlekla na dan vse njihove sposobnosti, jih opogumljala na poti do dosežkov in pomagala pri naporih, ki spremljajo velika hotenja.
Veliko bo morala pretrpeti zaradi glavobolov.

Albert Camus, Fjodor Mihajlovič Dostojevski, Grace Kelly, Martin Luther, Marija Antonietta, Karl Bernhard Moltke, Pablo Picasso, Rommel, Johann Strauss, Simon Jenko, Mile Klopčič, Cene Vipotnik, Fran Miklošič, Vanessa Mae, Leonardo Di Caprio, Winona Ryder, Julia Roberts, Jodie Foster, Demi Moore, Meg Ryan,...

STRELEC - Od 23. Novembra do 21. Decembra

Vladajoči planet: Jupiter
Element: ogenj
Dinamika: nestalen
Barva: temnomodra, škrlatna
Drag kamen: topaz
žival: konji, divjačina
Kovina: kositer
Ujemanje z znaki: Oven, Lev, Vodnar in Tehtnica
Disharmonija z znaki: Dvojček, Riba in Devica

Strelka ne bo nikoli rekla tistega, kar pričakujete, vendar pa vam bo s svojo prijaznostjo ovila mrežo okrog srca. Njen poseben šarm je v tem, da je vedno malo preveč jasna, odkrita in poštena, ker pač vidi svet kakršen je in se ji ne zdi potrebno, da bi ga olepševali. Ni dano vsakomur, da bi spregledal svet okrog sebe in si ga znal kristalno čisto objasniti ter istočasno ostati optimist.
Njen videz vabi moške kot med, njena odkritost pa je že prav legendarna. Nikar je ne sprašujte, kako preživlja noči, kadar ni z vami, saj boste dobili pošten odgovor z opisom vseh srečanj, ki jih je odklonila. Povedala vam bo tudi, da razmišlja o tem ali ni naklonjenost, ki jo čuti do vas samo prijateljska naklonjenost in bi ne bilo bolje, da prekineta in ostaneta prijatelja.

Strelke so zelo samostojne in nasploh ne čutijo posebnih vezi do svojih staršev. Morda zato, ker toliko potujejo, da kar pozabijo, od kod pravzaprav izvirajo in ta strast jih nikoli ne mine.
Strelki nikar ne ukazujte, pač pa ji povejte, saj tega ne prenese. Ne želi si gospodarja, rada pa si je na jasnem, da nima opravka s spužvo. Z moškimi ima tako jasne in odkrite odnose, da ji je pod častjo posegati za sprenevedanjem in dolgimi pogledi izpod trepalnic. Nervozno se izogiba trajnim zvezam, da o poroki sploh ne govorimo. Rada ima kampiranje in šport, da jo boste težko odtrgali od fantovskih postav in še težje odtrgali od igre. Zelo se je vajena družiti z obema spoloma, tako da kar naravno spada tudi med fante.

Čeprav je Strelki pomivanje in pospravljanje kronično odvratno bo vse to opravila, ker je v njej nagonska potreba po lepem. Nikogar vas ne bo sram povabiti na dom, saj je kot gostiteljica boljša od Levinje, ki nikakor ni zanemarljiva.

Otroci jo bodo oboževali, sama bo imela z njimi stalen cirkus, za njih pa bo pravi prijatelj. Njeni potomci bodo lepo oblečeni, lepega obnašanja, brez kakršnega koli lepotičenja ali umetničenja. Posebej se bo v njih vtisnila njena poštenost.
Dokler Strelke ne proglašate za svojo last in je ne vežete na dom, boste imeli z njene strani tri darove: zvestobo, zaupanje in naklonjenost.
Veliko bo morala pretrpeti zaradi zobobola in glavobola, nagnjene pa so tudi k debelosti.

Ludwig van Beethoven, Hector Berlioz, Maria Callas, Kristina Švedska, Winston Churchill, Walt Disney, Rainer Maria Rilke, Henry de Toulouse-Lautrec, France Prešeren, Žiga Zois, Ivana Kobilca, France Balantič, Fran Milčinski, Karel Destovnik – Kajuh, Britney Spears, Milla Jovovich, Tyra Banks, Alberto Tomba, Jure Zdovc, Magnifico, Brad Pitt, Darryl Hannah, John Malkovich, Kim Bassinger, Bruce Lee, Tina Turner, Jane Austen…



..ker nikoli ne veš.. mogoče se pa moraš še vrniti po kaj, kar si imel namesto svojega malega plišastega medvedka in ti je močno priraslo k srcu.
Nazaj na vrh
Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo Pošlji E-sporočilo
Guardian Angel
Guardian Angel

Pridružen/-a: 20.04. 2007, 21:55
Prispevkov: 3900
Kraj: ..somewhere over the rainbow..

PrispevekObjavljeno: Ned 13 Maj 2007 13:52    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

KOZOROG - Od 22. Decembra do 20. Januarja

Vladajoči planet: Saturn
Element: zemlja
Dinamika: kardinalni
Barva: temno siva, črna, temno rjava
Drag kamen: turkiz, ametist
žival: koze, živali s preklanimi kopiti
Kovina: svinec
Ujemanje z znaki: Bik, Devica, Ribi, Škorpijon
Disharmonija z znaki: Rak, Tehtnica, Oven

Značilne Kozoroginje ni. Saturnovka je lahko znanstvenica v kemičnem inštitutu, predsednica skupščine, pilot ali pa muzejski kurator. Je zelo zbrana in preračunana oseba, ki išče ustreznega moškega in ko si ga izbere ga zagrabi, na da bi se on tega sploh zavedel. Če ji ne uspe, bo raje živela sama, kot da bi se samo zaradi poroke združila z bebavim predstavnikom moškosti.

Kozoroginje so poslovno zelo uspešne, saj si uspeha želijo tudi če se svet podre.
Njeno vedenje vas bo prepričalo, da je trdna kot skala in nepremakljiva kot most. V resnici je podvržena premnogim menjavam razpoloženja. Zato ji je težko se sprostiti v srčnih zadevah. Ne zadovolji se s površnimi znanstvi.Družabno gledano dajejo precej poudarka na običaje, pa čeprav so starinski.

Kozoroginje so lastnice neke posebne svežine. Le redko naletite na kakšno, ki ni privlačna. Istočasno pa so plahe in negotove glede svoje zunanjosti in jih boste morali vedno znova tolažiti, da jo imate radi tudi zaradi njene zunanjosti.

Svojce iskreno ljubi. Poleg tega bo odlična žena. Njen dom bo vedno tako bleščeče čist in urejen, da se bo zdelo, da so bili pri njej škrati na delu. Varčnost zanjo ne pomeni skopost, le stvarno in varčno obračanje sredstev, nikakor pa ne, da bi denar pomenil bistvo življenja.

Od njenih otrok lahko mirno pričakujemo, da bodo lepo vzgojeni, spoštovali starejše ter sorodnike in da bodo brez sledu razvajenosti ali neutemeljenega uporništva. V malčkih bo vzgajala predvsem spoštovanje in varčnost. Naučila jih bo, da morajo biti zadovoljni s tem, kar imajo, za več pa se morajo dobro pripraviti in predvsem sami potruditi.

Konrad Adenauer, Mao Zedong, Paul Cezzane, Marlene Dietrich, Anton Aškerc, Dragotin Kette, Lili Novy, Bogomir Magajna, Matija Jama, Miha Maleš, Tiger Woods, Kate Moss, Jude Law, Michael Schumacher, Jernej Šugman, Nicholas Cage, Jim Carrey, Julianne Moore, Val Kilmer...

VODNAR - Od 21. Januarja do 18. Februarja

Vladajoči planet: Uran
Element: zrak
Dinamika: stalni
Barva: turkizna
Drag kamen: akvamarin
žival: velike ptice, ki dolgo letijo
Kovina: aluminij
Ujemanje z znaki: Dvojček, Tehtnica, Oven, Strelec
Disharmonija z znaki: Lev, Škorpijon in Bik

Večina Vodnark je lepih in zamišljenih na prvi pogled, poleg tega pa še zelo spremenljivih. Njene obleke so lepe in zanimive, pa tudi pogovor z njo vam bo ostal v spominu, saj je zelo zanimiva sogovornica.
V ljubezni je prav tako osupljiva in nasprotujoča kot v vsem svojem ostalem življenju. To dekle je zvesto v enaki meri, kot vsi stalni znaki ter odmaknjeno od čustvenosti tako kot zračni znaki. Glavni pogoj je, da jo pustite, da leta za svojimi tisočerimi opravki in zanimivimi zadevami ter da se giblje med prijatelji. Nikoli ne vežite Uranovke na dom ali na kuhinjo. Ona pripada vsem in nikomur. Če ji boste pustili svobodo gibanja boste imeli njeno brezmejno zvestobo.

Pri svojem moškem bo cenila njegovo premoženjsko stanje, predvsem pa to, da ga ljudje cenijo zaradi njegovih uspehov, doseženih s pametjo. Do nje morate biti brezkompromisno pošteni in se držati tudi svojih načel, saj je nenačelnost smrt za zvezo z Vodnarko. Zanje je telesnost prijetna zadeva, vendar ji ne daje preveč poudarka.

Nikoli ni sumničava, čeprav je njen soprog dolgo zdoma. Prevare ji morajo močno stopiti pred oči, sama jih ne bo šla ugotavljat.
Čeprav je denar ne zanima, je dovolj stvarna, da se zaveda njegove pomembnosti. Posojila so z njene strani vrnjena brez izgovorov, točno in pravočasno. Dolgov ne mara, raje plačuje z gotovino kot na kredit.

Značilna Vodnarka je navezana na svoje otroke in hkrati odmaknjena od njih. Vzela si bo čas za otroške težave in njihove domače naloge. Ker ni vzvišena se bodo otroci od nje naučili tovarištva med ljudmi in človečnosti.

Bertold Brecht, James Dean, Friedrich Goethe, Alfred Adler, Felix Mendelsohn, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Kim Novak, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jules Verne, Oton Župančič, Valentin Vodnik, Franc Saleški Finžgar, Jože Plečnik, Alice Cooper, Robbie Williams, Jennifer Aniston, Laura Dern, Matt Dilon, Bridget Fonda, Nastassja Kinski, Dragan Zivadinov...

RIBI - Od 19. Februarja do 20. Marca

Vladajoči planet: Neptun
Element: voda
Dinamika: nestalen
Barva: morsko zelena
Drag kamen: hematit, mesečev kamen
žival: vodne živali, posebej ribe vseh vrst
Kovina: platina
Ujemanje z znaki: Rak, Škorpijon, Bik, Kozorog
Disharmonija z znaki: Devica, Dvojček, Strelec

Riba je nenavadno privlačna in ponavadi s svojim čarobnim ženskim vzdušjem in večno dekliškostjo povzroči takšen naval, da mora snubce odganjati z gorjačo.
Njena priljubljenost ni presenetljiva, če vemo, da nikoli ne gospoduje nad svojim izbrancem, ne pred, ne po poroki. Ribice želijo biti ženske v polnem pomenu besede in to jim ponavadi tudi uspe.

Sprostil vas bo že kratek pogovor z njo. Njen ljubi bo vedno sposoben vsega, nikoli ga ne bo trpinčila z obtožbami, ne bo zahtevala, da se povzpne prezgodaj po družbeni lestvici. Zna pa biti tudi hudo sarkastična in grenka., čeprav je večkrat nežna kot prepirljiva. Njen videz pogosto vara. Za izgledom gospodinje ali pa nemočne lepotice se skriva oster, komaj opazen, toda vešč razum. Da o notranji moči niti ne govorimo. Njena razpoloženja so spremenljiva kot marčevski vetrovi.

Pri denarju se zna zmesti, ker finančne zakonitosti ne ubogajo svojega srca, še manj pa njenih nasvetov. Če ima dom in družino je služba ne bo privlačila. Vsekakor jo bo solidno opravljala, toda njena kariera so njene sanje in njeni svojci.

Razen dela srca, kateremu gospoduje njen izbranec, bo vsega posvetila svojim otrokom. Ljubila bo vse, malenkost bolj tiste, ki so šibkejši, grši ali počasnejše pameti kot ostali. Zanje bo žrtvovala vse, samo da bo njihovo otroštvo lepše, kot je bilo njeno. Zato bo morda preveč popustljiva in bo morala sama spoznati, da disciplina mora biti.
Nadlegovale jo bodo srčne bolečine, imajo občutljive živce in kosti.

Johann Sebastian Bach, Frederic Chopin, Honore Daumier, Albert Einstein, Jurij Gazarin, Michelangelo, Auguste Renoir, Arthur Schopenhauer, Liz Taylor, George Washington, Josip Jurčič, Jožef Petkovšek, Dušan Pirjevec, Vladimir Bartol, Josip Stritar, Josip Murn Aleksandrov, Srečko Kosovel, Drew Barrymore, Eva Herzigova, Shaquille O`Neal, Tea Leoni, Jon Bon Jovi, Linda Fiorentino, Ivan Lendl, Garry Oldman, Sharon Stone, Bruce Willis...



..ker nikoli ne veš.. mogoče se pa moraš še vrniti po kaj, kar si imel namesto svojega malega plišastega medvedka in ti je močno priraslo k srcu.
Nazaj na vrh
Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo Pošlji E-sporočilo
Guardian Angel
Guardian Angel

Pridružen/-a: 20.04. 2007, 21:55
Prispevkov: 3900
Kraj: ..somewhere over the rainbow..

PrispevekObjavljeno: Pon 28 Jan 2008 16:25    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom



When it comes to love you are aggressive, domineering, energetic and restless. You are impulsive, imaginative and dynamic, a doer, however on can never be sure what you'll do next. You can drive your lover crazy if she isn't accustomed to high energy excitement. You look for spontaneous and imaginative partners who can hold your interest and keep up to your fast pace. You can be a bed bouncer but you always expect complete loyalty from your mate. Although your temper is short lived you will explode if you become suspicious of your lover. You get jealous quickly and you need constant appreciation and reassurance in order to feel secure in your relationship.


You may appear to dislike men due to your extreme independence. However, nothing could be further from the truth. You are domineering and you have a rather nonchalant attitude. Your energetic and once aroused, you will be sexually aggressive. You like to make noise when you make love and in some ways you are like a wild animal in the bedroom, playful, vibrant and fearless. You like to use your body and are quite athletic both in and out of the sexual arena. You are a romantic, in love with love. You accept love as ones of life's little pleasures. You are a free spirit, always looking for a lover, not a father. You are an idealist. You go after whatever you want and you certainly won't take no for an answer. You have no trouble attracting men because you are always where the action is. You do not handle your money well which can cause a problem for the man who falls in love with you. You however are worth every cent that you cost your lover as you can stimulate him in ways that no one else can do.

Ujemanje Ovna z drugimi znaki;

You will not tolerate being bossed around by your mate. You hate have your space infringed upon and you can't stand it if your mate shows up late for a date. You like to be asked for advice and flattery always makes you feel important. You will never slow down and wait for your lover. It's keep up or get left behind. You match up to your sign and the remaining eleven signs as follows.

ARIES & ARIES: Temper tantrums are quite likely to erupt into major wars with this combination. Remember only one party can win and neither one will accept defeat. Passionate but problems.

ARIES & TAURUS: The Bull has trouble with your free spirited attitude. With compromise it can work. A little bit dull for you at times however it can be a stabilizing experience for you.

ARIES & GEMINI: Wonderful alliance. This is an exciting, sexual encounter that can in fact last. Both you and Gemini are so spontaneous and full of life that there is no time for either of you to become bored.

ARIES & CANCER: The Crab is far too sensitive and slow for your speedy and hot tempered nature. You will have difficulty listening to the Crabs nagging and negativity. This is really a poor match up right from day one.

AIRES & LEO: This is a most exhilarating combination. You both share the same likes and dislikes. You are both always on the go, craving excitement, love and fun. This is truly a link made in heaven.

ARIES & VIRGO: Your impulsiveness is just too much for the Virgoan. Virgo's practical, critical nature will drive you away rapidly. This is a relationship better left alone.

ARIES & LIBRA: Although opposites attract, the Scales are just a little too lazy to keep up with you. You on the other hand lack the sophistication required to keep a Libran happy.

ARIES & SCORPIO: You are both ruled by the catalyst Mars that makes this union hot and heavy. The possessive Scorpio will, however, does clash with your free spirited nature.

ARIES & SAGITTARIUS: This can be a good and a lasting relationship. You are both fun-loving and quite oblivious to the faults that might drive most people crazy. This is an exciting and adventurous union.

ARIES & CAPRICORN: Finances are the biggest detriment in this connection. You can spend it as fast as the hard working Goat can make it that drives the frugal Capricorn insane.

ARIES & AQUARIUS: This is not a bad connection. You are both inquisitive, however at times you may find it difficult to contemplate what the Water-bearer will do next.

ARIES & PISCES: Sexually this is not a bad alliance, but your temperaments are just so different that it does put a strain on the relationship. You could never handle the Fishes emotional whims for any length of time.


..ker nikoli ne veš.. mogoče se pa moraš še vrniti po kaj, kar si imel namesto svojega malega plišastega medvedka in ti je močno priraslo k srcu.

Nazadnje urejal/a AngelCaido Ned 03 Feb 2008 14:42; skupaj popravljeno 3 krat
Nazaj na vrh
Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo Pošlji E-sporočilo
Guardian Angel
Guardian Angel

Pridružen/-a: 20.04. 2007, 21:55
Prispevkov: 3900
Kraj: ..somewhere over the rainbow..

PrispevekObjavljeno: Pon 28 Jan 2008 16:34    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom



You like to enjoy your passions in comfort. Soft music, low lights and a good brandy are a must. You like to be surrounded with beautiful objects and you demand what you consider to be quality in all aspects of your life including your women. You don't like women who waste your time. If a potential lover really wants to be with you she shouldn't take too long to decide. You are patient but chances are you will fall asleep if she doesn't make her move. You don't like a mate who argues with you, after all it is fruitless because there is no way she can possibly win. You also frown upon the female who plays hard to get, now that's a game you just won't play. You are a physical individual, earthy, lusty and sensual, a connoisseur of food, drink and women. When you take someone out you want to get your money's worth and you expect your partner to treat you well if you show them a good time. You are strong willed, possessive, intensely emotional and highly sexed. You are protective over the female who knows how to satisfy your sexual cravings.


You are a complex lady. You are ruled by the planet Venus that makes you knowledgeable instinctively in the art of seduction. You love beautiful objects and adornments and will welcome any quality gifts that your lover buys for you. You always know exactly what you want and you will become quite stubborn if you don't get it. As long as your man stays on your good side and treats you with tender loving care you will be affectionate and willing to give him whatever he wants. You are eager to learn about life and the man that can teach you the ins and outs will win your heart. You look for a lover who is sincere, appreciative and knowledgeable about getting the best quality for the best price. If your chosen partner lives up to your standards you will be a loyal, loving and excellent bed mate.

Ujemanje Bika z drugimi znaki;

Your lover must approach you properly in order to win your heart. You love good cooking and fine wine. The way to your heart is definitely through your stomach. You are turned off by individuals who exaggerate or color the truth. You like to be admired and will respond if your lover is encouraging. Your connection to someone born under the same sign as yourself or one of the remaining eleven signs is as follows.

TAURUS & ARIES: This union is better as a hot passionate affair. Your possessiveness will cramp the Aries free-loving nature.

TAURUS & TAURUS: Not bad sexually, however this union is somewhat dull in other areas of life. You will have a tendency to grow fat together. Visualize two couch potatoes eating in front of the television.

TAURUS & GEMINI: Gemini's lack of respect for possessions and stability will drive you up a wall. You aren't spontaneous enough for the versatile Twin. Not really a likely combination.

TAURUS & CANCER: Good partnership. You will enhance one another. You offer the Crab the necessary security and in return you receive the affection and loyalty you desire.

TAURUS & LEO: This is not only an unlikely connection but one that is built on deception. If your financial position is good you will attract the Lion however, this partner will want the freedom to roam.

TAURUS & VIRGO: Problems usually arise in the bedroom, however in all other areas you and your Virgoan will do remarkably well. You are both practical and hard working.

TAURUS & LIBRA: Compromise is necessity if you want this union to work. Your Libran mate will be far too indecisive for you and you lack the sophistication that the Scales demand in a partner.

TAURUS & SCORPIO: Polarity attraction, sexually dynamic, however you are both fixed signs that can cause difficulties. Your stubbornness and the Scorpions jealousy will result in a no win situation.

TAURUS & SAGITTARIUS: This combo is better left as friends. The archer likes to gamble, free-spirited and taking each day as it comes. You on the other hand could never live without routine and would frown up the Sagittarians irresponsibility.

TAURUS & CAPRICORN: This is not a bad alliance as you both have the same interests where money, possessions and security are concerned. The biggest drawback is the old 'all work and no play' syndrome.

TAURUS & AQUARIUS: You are both fixed signs with a totally different concept of life. The water-bearer is too much of a loner and you always want to own or possess your partner.

TAURUS & PISCES: This combination can work, however the Fish lack practicality which can be a deterrent for you. On the other hand your Pisces mate may leave if you become too domineering.


..ker nikoli ne veš.. mogoče se pa moraš še vrniti po kaj, kar si imel namesto svojega malega plišastega medvedka in ti je močno priraslo k srcu.

Nazadnje urejal/a AngelCaido Ned 03 Feb 2008 14:43; skupaj popravljeno 1 krat
Nazaj na vrh
Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo Pošlji E-sporočilo
Guardian Angel
Guardian Angel

Pridružen/-a: 20.04. 2007, 21:55
Prispevkov: 3900
Kraj: ..somewhere over the rainbow..

PrispevekObjavljeno: Pon 28 Jan 2008 16:39    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom



When it comes to love you are always on the move, you can't stand schedules or routine in any aspect of your life. You refuse to conform to a clock. You are likely to try to fit as much into your life at one time as possible. You are intelligent, love to communicate and you are extremely versatile and knowledgeable. You are a smooth convincing talker and can usually capture any female that interests you through communication alone. Your youthful nature is extremely appealing to most women. Your fun loving approach to life, your passion for parties and entertainment and your constant search to experience something new and different contribute to your charm. You have a great curiosity about women and will pursue someone that interests you while a challenge exists. Your staying power in a relationship is certainly not record breaking. You tire easily and will take off to pursue new interests if you get bored.


You are a delight; witty, charming and provocative. You are friendly and easy to approach but not all that interested in a long term relationship. You're not an easy lover to read. You can swivel on a dime and your passionate receptive side can turn abruptly into a distant individual. You demand mental compatibility in order to be turned on and you're not likely to let anyone dance with your body if they can't dance with your mind. You are forever trying to improve things, even your lover. Change is a big part of your life pattern and a necessity to your emotional well being. You will use your sex appeal as a weapon if necessary to get what you want.

Ujemanje Dvojčkov z drugimi znaki;

You can play a heartless game using your keen intellect, charm and sex appeal to your advantage. You can easily persuade any sign to have a passionate affair with you, however a long term relationship is another story. You aren't likely to stay in any union that restricts, confines or holds you back in any way. You match up as follows to your own sign and the remaining eleven signs.

GEMINI & ARIES: This is one of your best matches. You both have a high energy, a thirst for adventure and spontaneity. Passionate, sudden and compelling this union can last.

GEMINI & TAURUS: This is not a good connection for the Bull. Your lack of routine upsets this steady sign. You find Taureans far too dull for your liking and will tend to wander early into the relationship.

GEMINI & GEMINI: You can have some real good times but you seldom stay together unless you meet in later years. There is a lack of direction that usually prevails, however you can have some wonderful times together.

GEMINI & CANCER: The Moon child is far too moody and sensitive for your fickle ways. You are not a homebody like the Crab. You have totally different interests then a Cancer.

GEMINI & LEO: This is not a bad connection. You both complement one another. The generous Lion will bend to whatever you want as long as you let your flattering silver-tongue lead the way.

GEMINI & VIRGO: This is not the best union, the practical Virgo views you as being disorganized and frivolous. You on the other hand don't think that the Virgoan knows how to have a good time.

GEMINI & LIBRA: Magnetic union, however not long lasting. The Scales find it difficult to live in the turmoil and melodrama that you thrive on. This relationship is usually short, hot and sweet.

GEMINI & SCORPIO: Scorpio's jealous tendencies are impossible for you to handle. You flirtatious ways and little white lies will drive the Scorpion as far away as possible.

GEMINI & SAGITTARIUS: This union can work, however you both love to travel therefore you may not spend much time together. You both tend to leave your fate to luck which can make this a risky relationship.

GEMINI & CAPRICORN: Not great. The goat is too ambitious and organized for you. You have totally different priorities in love and in life.

GEMINI & AQUARIUS: Super alliance, you are both original and like variety. This makes for a fun loving couple. This is not always a lasting union but it is certainly worth pursuing.

GEMINI & PISCES: Insecurity usually ruins this relationship. This can be an extremely emotional union. Unique, destructive, yet passionate and lustful resulting in hurt and anxiety.


..ker nikoli ne veš.. mogoče se pa moraš še vrniti po kaj, kar si imel namesto svojega malega plišastega medvedka in ti je močno priraslo k srcu.

Nazadnje urejal/a AngelCaido Ned 03 Feb 2008 14:45; skupaj popravljeno 1 krat
Nazaj na vrh
Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo Pošlji E-sporočilo
Guardian Angel
Guardian Angel

Pridružen/-a: 20.04. 2007, 21:55
Prispevkov: 3900
Kraj: ..somewhere over the rainbow..

PrispevekObjavljeno: Pon 28 Jan 2008 16:46    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom



In love relationships you are prone to sulking, daydreaming and you can be somewhat idealistic about the role you play. You do love beautiful women however you also insist that the love of your life be a good conversationalist as well. You are possessive once you fall in love and you expect a great deal from your mate. You cling to your Memories, old friends and habits and you truly resist any form of change. You are generally lucky in love and usually attract beautiful, bright women.


You need to be handled with tender loving care and you will turn away from an excessively aggressive man. You're the type of woman that will sacrifice anything and everything for your family and you'll also go all out for your mate. You love to be romanced and praised for all the little extras you provide. You love to cuddle and hug and can not be happy living with someone who is cool, detached and not interested in contributing to family.

Ujemanje Raka z drugimi znaki;

Your sensitive nature can be difficult to deal with. You are often misunderstood at an emotional level You need a mate that can understand your tenderness. You match up you your own sign and the other eleven as follows.

CANCER & ARIES: This is not a very good combination for you. The Ram's lack of tact and their hot temper is just too devastating for your sensitive and insecure nature.

CANCER & TAURUS: The Bull is one of your best partners. You are both homebodies who appreciate good food, good quality and thrift. You can keep each other quite happy. Truly an enduring relationship.

CANCER & CANCER: Together you are far too negative for this union to work. Emotional problems will exist throughout the entire relationship. Neither one of you has the ability to see the positive side to the relationship.

CANCER & GEMINI: The Twins play too many mind games for your soft and innocent approach to life. Gemini's flirtatious free-spirited nature is just too hurtful for you to have to deal with.

CANCER & LEO: The Lion needs to be the center of attention, therefore you will often feel quite neglected in this relationship. You have a tendency to nag and that will drive a Leo mate on to greener pastures.

CANCER & VIRGO: This partnership lacks excitement, to say the least, however that doesn't usually matter to either you or your mate. Security and the home are much more important to both you and the practical Virgoan.

CANCER & LIBRA: Your mood swings are far too upsetting for the Scales. Libra Needs harmony and a variety of entertainment which really isn't your style or your intent. You create melodrama at an emotional level and would prefer to stay at home where it's safe and secure.

CANCER & SCORPIO: You are both too possessive that can and usually does lead to problems at some time. As long as you deal with these issues promptly you can have a happy, satisfying and loving union.

CANCER & SAGITTARIUS: The Archer is too worldly for you. You don't like to take risks and Sagittarians thrive on chance. This is not your best bet for a lasting union but it is one that often attracts you.

CANCER & CAPRICORN: Polar opposites, Usually there is a lot of chemistry, but the Goat does not usually have the time to show you enough affection. If you can put up with their workaholic ways you can rest assured that you will be well-taken care of financially.

CANCER & AQUARIUS: You are far too sensitive for the Water-bearers aloofness. Aquarians cannot tolerate your need to cling to them.

CANCER & PISCES: You and the Fish are probably the two most sensitive signs of the zodiac. Although you can comprehend one another you can also play emotional games and hurt each other. This connection can work if you communicate openly and honestly.


..ker nikoli ne veš.. mogoče se pa moraš še vrniti po kaj, kar si imel namesto svojega malega plišastega medvedka in ti je močno priraslo k srcu.

Nazadnje urejal/a AngelCaido Ned 03 Feb 2008 14:41; skupaj popravljeno 1 krat
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Guardian Angel
Guardian Angel

Pridružen/-a: 20.04. 2007, 21:55
Prispevkov: 3900
Kraj: ..somewhere over the rainbow..

PrispevekObjavljeno: Ned 03 Feb 2008 14:37    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom



You are extremely attractive to women. You are easily noticed in a crowd and you usually get a lot of attention. You are a showman, flashy and flamboyant. You can be careless at times, however you are also a master at covering up mistakes or anything else. You love and admire beautiful women, but your mate must not outshine you in any manner. You prefer your female to be reserved so as not to steal your thunder. You are an extrovert, you love to laugh, you are generous, outgoing and you love the best of everything. You have a high opinion of yourself and you want your mate to feed your ego.


You need to be admired and desired. Unfortunately you tend to bestow your affections on the wrong men. You are extremely demanding when it comes to lovemaking. It isn't so much that you want to be love but you do want to be worshipped and adorned with all the nice things in life. You can tend to get lazy if you become too comfortable with your lover. Although you are dignified you can be domineering. You are vain, however you are also very generous. You can be faithful as long as your lover is affectionate.

Ujemanje Leva z drugimi znaki

When looking for a prospective mate you will interact diversely with all the other constellations including your own.

LEO & ARIES: This is a capricious match. Your common interests and lusty passionate nature bring about outrageous social and sexual encounters.

LEO & TAURUS: This is an ill-fated connection, your extravagance and desire to party are antagonizing to the prudent Bull. This relationship is not likely to start up in the first place, and not likely to last if you do make it to first base.

LEO & GEMINI: You are enticed by the clever Twins, nevertheless the Twins' fickleness enrages you. Intriguing while this connection lasts, however it's usually short lived.

LEO & CANCER: You're powerful desire to be the center of attention along with your vanity is pernicious for the shy, sensitive Crab. Not a choice alliance.

LEO & LEO: This is a dramatic combination, a sexual delight, providing both desist from dominating one another. This is truly a royal match and believe it or not, it often works.

LEO & VIRGO: Virgo's desire to be in command and methodical nature collides with your carefree, spontaneous temperament. This combo takes a lot of compromise on the part of the Virgoan.

LEO & LIBRA: Libra's sophistication and your flair constitute an entertaining coalition, unless a financial deficit prevails. You can both be quite extravagant and wasteful.

LEO & SCORPIO: You can dance rather well in a horizontal position, the end result can be crimes of passion, due to jealousy. This union is usually hot, heavy and short lived.

LEO & SAGITTARIUS: This is probably your foremost partner physically and mentally. This union will revel in spending, travel and adventure. Quite an exciting connection.

LEO & CAPRICORN: You'll get bored with the Goat's careful and enterprising ways, which is too bad because the Goat is the one sign that can usually afford to spoil you monetarily.

LEO & AQUARIUS: The polarities usually attract passionately, nevertheless the Water-bearer's expansive interests and higher mind leave you feeling somewhat neglected and unimportant.

LEO & PISCES: This is a detrimental relationship for the shy Pisces and a most unlikely attraction for you. Not compatible and very hurtful for the Fish that is attracted to you.


..ker nikoli ne veš.. mogoče se pa moraš še vrniti po kaj, kar si imel namesto svojega malega plišastega medvedka in ti je močno priraslo k srcu.
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Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo Pošlji E-sporočilo
Guardian Angel
Guardian Angel

Pridružen/-a: 20.04. 2007, 21:55
Prispevkov: 3900
Kraj: ..somewhere over the rainbow..

PrispevekObjavljeno: Ned 03 Feb 2008 14:48    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom



You have a great curiosity about women. These fine creatures are something for you to experiment with, examine and cater to. As for sex you feel that it is an experience that should not be overlooked, providing you have the time and the desire. You are interested in anything that will further your career. You are always interested in how much money your partner can make and in turn what they do with it as you find waste to be sinful. You can come across as a father figure if your mate lets you become over protective. You will only propose or get into a committed partnership after a respectable length of time and only when you are one hundred percent sure that the relationship will be lasting. You need to feel that your mate will enhance and support your career and make your home a clean place of comfort. You offer security, reliability and faithfulness.


You have some superficial standards about the man in your life. You insist that your partner be squeaky clean and practical and goal oriented. Your standards are set quite high and therefore it usually takes you longer to find someone that you feel is worthy to commit to. You do tend to marry late in life and only if the right knight in shining armor comes along. You are an excellent housekeeper, a strict parent and a good companion. You are attractive well into your middle years and often attract more men as you age.

Ujemanje Devic z drugimi znaki

Zodiacal match-ups for you are not the easiest due to your critical analytical nature.

VIRGO & ARIES: The volatile Aries will upset your nervous nature, the conclusion being ill-fated and certainly not lasting. The Ram just won't put up with your put-downs.

VIRGO & TAURUS: You both share the same high standards and, needless to say, are not the most exciting couple on earth. This is a much better connection during the last half of life.

VIRGO & GEMINI: Not a chance. The risky, carefree fickle Gemini sees you as a drag. Truly a miracle if the two of you do interact for any length of time. This union is best left alone unless other factors prevail in both charts.

VIRGO & CANCER: Somewhat dull. You both tend to avoid getting involved in activities outside your own environment. Neither of you bother to end the relationship even if it isn't working. This union is a critical and nagging match that results in lowered self-esteem for both of you.

VIRGO & LEO: You will have continuous arguments concerning finances and sex. Your critical tongue will make the Lion wander, seeking the ego-boosting that is necessary for the proud Leo's existence.

VIRGO & VIRGO: You are quite likely to agree on most subjects. Virgo's are work, security and cleanliness oriented. When two of you get together in this capacity, unusual sexual pleasures can unfold.

VIRGO & LIBRA: Libra's extravagant, indecisive nature bothers you, however Libra's charm can normally melt your critical tongue. Not likely to be lasting but it can be passionate while it lasts.

VIRGO & SCORPIO: This is an interesting match. If the scorpion can tempt you into sexual encounters that are exotic, the end result will end in fireworks.

VIRGO & SAGITTARIUS: This is sexually not bad. The Archer's non-committal approach to life however, drives you up a wall. This combo works better as a passing affair.

VIRGO & CAPRICORN: This is an excellent union. Practicality and neatness go hand in hand for the Goat as well as for you. Fear of material loss locks you in tight for a long term union.

VIRGO & AQUARIUS: This is a far more mental then physical connection. You rule the lower mind and the Water-bearer the higher mind. This is an intellectual union that is likely to be lasting.

VIRGO & PISCES: This is a polarity attraction. You are enamored by the Pisces empathetic ways and in turn the Fish needs your practical direction. Pisces' sexuality can bring out the erotic side in you.


..ker nikoli ne veš.. mogoče se pa moraš še vrniti po kaj, kar si imel namesto svojega malega plišastega medvedka in ti je močno priraslo k srcu.
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Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo Pošlji E-sporočilo
Guardian Angel
Guardian Angel

Pridružen/-a: 20.04. 2007, 21:55
Prispevkov: 3900
Kraj: ..somewhere over the rainbow..

PrispevekObjavljeno: Ned 03 Feb 2008 14:57    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom



You make bedtime a rewarding experience. You are determined to satisfy your mate even if it takes all night. You love beauty in all aspects of life -including your women. You use your charm and sophisticated intelligence as a weapon and you are an expert at luring your prey. When it comes right down to taking action, however your indecisiveness often takes over. You start to weigh the pros and cons and if you have any doubts at all you will continue to play with your victims' desires. You don't really like to hurt anyone intentionally which does end up putting you at the mercy of your lover. You will respond to flattery or praise. You become interested in women at a young age. Your preference is usually well dressed women with long hair and moist lips.


You are noted for your grace, refinement and beauty as well as your repulsion to anything unattractive. You are meticulous in manner and dress and add a touch of elegance to all that surrounds you. Your goal is more to be admired by a man but if he is willing to boost your ego on a continuing basis you will show him how skilled you are at the art of lovemaking. You tend to prefer the artistic type of man, however your partner must also be highly lucrative in order to furnish you with the adornments that you require to keep you happy.

Ujemanje z drugimi znaki

When it comes to compatible signs for you harmony is the most important factor to keep in mind. Without harmony you can't possibly survive.

LIBRA & ARIES: Polarity attraction. Shooting stars in the bedroom. Tension, however, at a mental level. It can work if you are both willing to compromise.

LIBRA & TAURUS: Not too bad as you both value the finer things in life. The Bull's possessiveness can bring about some problems for you however if the price is right you'll put up with a little control.

LIBRA & GEMINI: Intellectual connection. This relationship is much better left as a friendship. You both need a great deal of freedom to experience other people. If you both agree on ground rules right from day one it can last.

LIBRA & CANCER: This is not the best match. The moody Crab is just too difficult for you to handle. You need to surround yourself with positive individuals who will create a harmonious environment.

LIBRA & LEO: This is a good union, similar lifestyles, both hooked on sex. The Lion's dazzle, and your refined nature balances out quite nicely. Together you make an extremely nice looking couple.

LIBRA & VIRGO: No Way! The practical Virgoan will never satisfy your desires. You're better not to pursue this partner for any kind of a long term commitment.

LIBRA & LIBRA: This is not a bad connection, but boredom can be a definite risk as you will both expect to be entertained. Your lazy nature when it comes to domestic chores will also be a problem if you can't afford to hire help.

LIBRA & SCORPIO: The Scorpions' jealousy vexes the casual, harmonious nature that you possess. This is certainly not an alliance made in heaven and usually quite difficult for you to balance.

LIBRA & SAGITTARIUS: This is an auspicious relationship. The Archer's charisma and thirst for adventure will hold your interest. Your good looks and cultural knowledge will entice the Archer.

LIBRA & CAPRICORN: It's difficult for the Goat to accept your inactivity. Physically there is a powerful attraction between you, unfortunately it is seldom lasting.

LIBRA & AQUARIUS: This is a compatible coalition, you are capable of making love in the highest form. Your two of a kind, neither of you care about detail nor domestics.

LIBRA & PISCES: This is not usually lasting. The Fish is too confused and sensitive in nature that makes this connection a highly complicated combination. The end result can be devastating if you aren't careful.


..ker nikoli ne veš.. mogoče se pa moraš še vrniti po kaj, kar si imel namesto svojega malega plišastega medvedka in ti je močno priraslo k srcu.
Nazaj na vrh
Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo Pošlji E-sporočilo
Guardian Angel
Guardian Angel

Pridružen/-a: 20.04. 2007, 21:55
Prispevkov: 3900
Kraj: ..somewhere over the rainbow..

PrispevekObjavljeno: Ned 03 Feb 2008 15:05    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom



When it comes to lovemaking you are capable of attaining the highest level of passion. You are persuasive and will not admit defeat once you have your mind fixed on a particular female. You prefer to control your mates' emotions. Like everything else, you always give one hundred percent and of course you expect the same in return. To you sex is a competitive game, and revenge and jealousy are two of your characteristics that will surface if you aren't winning.


You have no trouble attracting men. You dress for your mate and will use your seductive, hypnotic eyes to dazzle and captivate your chosen partner. You are the type of woman that has a tremendous animalistic energy that can lure and tantalize but you also have a temper that can be explosive. You are extremely demanding when it comes to the art of making love and you ack patience if your mate doesn't satisfy you. You will be loyal and true blue as long as you don't detect weakness in your lover.

Ujemanje z drugimi znaki

You have an all-or-nothing approach to relationships, therefore you do not match up to all the signs. Here's a look at how you do interact with others.

SCORPIO & ARIES: You make a hot combination in bed. Highly aggressive sex that could be described as implied violence. Lustful but not lasting due to your jealous nature.

SCORPIO & TAURUS: Polar opposites that actually do quite well together. The Bull is stable and loyal enough to satisfy your intense nature. You both value long-term unions and are willing to work at them together.

SCORPIO & GEMINI: This is not a likely match, the Illusive, fickle Gemini will drive you to distraction, which in turn could bring out your vengeful side.

SCORPIO & CANCER: This is one of your best connections. The Crab is a loyal mate who is usually willing to stand behind you. Cancers are attracted to your strong, demanding ways.

SCORPIO & LEO: This connection can lead to crimes of passion. Although you are strongly attracted to the Lion, Leo's flamboyant, flirtatious nature will cause anger that could erupt into murder-suicide.

SCORPIO & VIRGO: The Virgoan has difficulties with your sexual leanings. You will bore easily and move on to more passionate partners.

SCORPIO & LIBRA: This is not the best match. Libra is far too good looking and easy going for your jealous nature. You would likely end up spying on this social butterfly.

SCORPIO & SCORPIO: Sexually you are truly compatible, however out of the bedroom you are far too much alike -- creating problems and mind games. You will always think that the other is having an affair.

SCORPIO & SAGITTARIUS: This alliance is a waste of time for both parties. You are a homebody and the Archer is a travel nut. This is not a likely attraction.

SCORPIO & CAPRICORN: This is a wonderful partnership. You both have the same values and cherish your home environment. Mentally and physically you match up well, easily satisfying one anothers needs.

SCORPIO & AQUARIUS: Why bother. This will never work due to the Aquarian's need for freedom and your need to possess. Your values, ethics and approach to life are just too different.

SCORPIO & PISCES: This is not bad. Probably the most erotic sexual combination. The Fish is willing to be a part of your whims and desires, and that makes for a lasting union.


..ker nikoli ne veš.. mogoče se pa moraš še vrniti po kaj, kar si imel namesto svojega malega plišastega medvedka in ti je močno priraslo k srcu.
Nazaj na vrh
Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo Pošlji E-sporočilo
Guardian Angel
Guardian Angel

Pridružen/-a: 20.04. 2007, 21:55
Prispevkov: 3900
Kraj: ..somewhere over the rainbow..

PrispevekObjavljeno: Ned 03 Feb 2008 15:09    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom



You love women, however you usually find it difficult to be happy with just one. You are wary of commitment and not prone to close involvement's. You need to be free and detest jealousy in women. You prefer women with experience, females that will take love as lightly as you do. You insist that your mate has a sense of humor because you can become depressed easily with partners that are too serious and who tend to talk about themselves. You enjoy making love under the light of the moon and you just hate to feel or be confined at any time. You can be blunt and outspoken. You will never restrict your partner in any way shape or form regardless of the end result. You have an insatiable curiosity about sexual education and you want to experience everything. You will remain a bachelor at heart whether you marry or not.


You are impulsive and have an easy-going approach to sex. You have the innate ability to remain on friendly terms with your ex-lovers. You are philosophical and rarely get too upset when a bed mate moves on. You simply rationalize that there will be a new love in your life shortly. You are good-natured, straightforward and generous. You love your freedom and must be allowed to travel. You will not be happy if forced to settle in one place and your residence will rarely look established. You quickly move on from a man, job or living quarters if you don't find yourself being stimulated anymore. You honestly bewilder men.

Ujemanje z drugimi znaki

You do much better when it comes to friendships then you do in love relationships. Here's a look at how you do match up to other signs.

SAGITTARIUS & ARIES: This is not a bad match while it lasts. Fun-loving, adventuresome, certainly compatible. Both you and the Ram like to do your own thing, therefore you often part on friendly terms as you go off in your own directions.

SAGITTARIUS & TAURUS: The Bull leads too structured a life for you to conform to. This is not a likely match. Taureans see you as a wanderer with no apparent direction.

SAGITTARIUS & GEMINI: You are polar opposites giving this connection plenty of chemistry, however outside activities tend to take you both in different directions. You both like to take chances and depend too much on luck.

SAGITTARIUS & CANCER: You are a traveler and the Crab is a homebody that automatically puts you on a different wave length. This combination makes a much better friendship. You could never live within the other's life-style and remain happy.

SAGITTARIUS & LEO: This is probably one of your best match ups. You bring out the best in one another. You both have a very carefree approach to life and love.

SAGITTARIUS & VIRGO: Virgo's do not handle your lifestyle well. You can not put up with the Virgoan's meticulous, detailed way of doing everything.

SAGITTARIUS & LIBRA: This is probably one of your best connections. You get the freedom you desire and both of you absolutely hate confrontation, therefore problems are just put on the shelf.

SAGITTARIUS & SCORPIO: The Scorpion cannot live with your freedom loving wandering spirit. When the jealousy sets in you'll be off to greener pastures.

SAGITTARIUS & SAGITTARIUS: You will shake well with one another. This combination is somewhat unpredictable. It's not always a lasting union due to a lack of being in the same place at the same time, but truly a hot affair.

SAGITTARIUS & CAPRICORN: You are impulsive, risk-taking and always looking for adventure that frightens the cautious Goat. This is really not a suitable union, You are far too different to ever exist together.

SAGITTARIUS & AQUARIUS: You both love adventure, travel and the great outdoors. You can have a lasting relationship, especially if it is a long distance romance.

SAGITTARIUS & PISCES: This is a passionate attraction, but unfortunately neither one of you can supply the other with the emotional factor required to make this coalition work.


..ker nikoli ne veš.. mogoče se pa moraš še vrniti po kaj, kar si imel namesto svojega malega plišastega medvedka in ti je močno priraslo k srcu.
Nazaj na vrh
Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo Pošlji E-sporočilo
Guardian Angel
Guardian Angel

Pridružen/-a: 20.04. 2007, 21:55
Prispevkov: 3900
Kraj: ..somewhere over the rainbow..

PrispevekObjavljeno: Ned 03 Feb 2008 15:14    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom



When it comes to sensuality you are probably the most persistent of all the signs. You will not take no for an answer. You will break down the resistance of whomever you pursue and you'll never go away empty handed. Love is a necessity in your mind. Your animal tendencies come out in the bedroom. You are not a cruel lover, just energetic and lustful. You prefer younger, naive women and you enjoy playing the role of the bedroom teacher. Unlike most men, when you become an old Goat you still have a strong sex drive and will continue to pursue younger mates. You do expect your woman to serve you, not only in the bedroom but where the traditional domestic chores are concerned. You want your partner to be a loyal friend, but will never accept her criticism. You will actively seek love through physical passion rather than being lovable.


You tend to attract weak men. You are not easy to figure out and you have a tendency to turn on and off frequently. In actuality you are the type of female who is afraid of falling in love with the wrong person. When you do find Mr. Right you will be a true blue partner with powerful emotions. You will do anything for your lover, however he must satisfy all your needs. You like to keep busy and you take life quite seriously. You also take excellent care of yourself. You dress with class, your neat, clean and somewhat formal. You love to be complimented by the man in your life.

Ujemanje z drugimi znaki

When it comes to compatible mates, You can compliment a number of different signs.

CAPRICORN & ARIES: You are both far too independent to get along for any length of time. Although there is an attraction and mutual respect, arguments will make this union impossible.

CAPRICORN & TAURUS: You both have the same regard for quality and money. This is almost a match made in heaven. Sexually adequate and certainly a long lasting alliance.

CAPRICORN & GEMINI: Forget it -- the flirtatious, fun-loving Twin will not impress you. To you, Gemini's are irresponsible and unworthy of your dedication.

CAPRICORN & CANCER: You are polar opposites that do quite well together. You feed each other exactly what's needed. Security from you and loyalty and trust from the Crab.

CAPRICORN & LEO: The extravagant Lion will disgust you. You hate wasteful, flamboyant individuals. Although sexually you are compatible this combination is best as a one night stand.

CAPRICORN & VIRGO: This is a very good mental connection, nevertheless not the most sexually oriented combination.

CAPRICORN & LIBRA: You will be mesmerized by the sophisticated Libran, but that is about as far as this amalgamation will go. You will also tire of the lazy Libran's ways.

CAPRICORN & SCORPIO: Not bad at all. You both understand one another perfectly and can appreciate the same values and directions. Sexually you can dance superbly together.

CAPRICORN & SAGITTARIUS: You are far too different in your likes and dislikes. The adventurous risk-taking Archer finds you boring due to your cautious, routine nature.

CAPRICORN & CAPRICORN: This relationship lacks stimulation. You are both far too cautious, frugal and self-righteous to last. This is a dead end in the bedroom.

CAPRICORN & AQUARIUS: Although you can appreciate the Water-bearer's mind and originality, the Aquarian's lack of direction and carefree nature will cause you to shy away.

CAPRICORN & PISCES: This is not a bad match. The Pisces' eagerness to please will attract and hold you. This union will only encounter problems if you neglect the Fish's need for attention.


..ker nikoli ne veš.. mogoče se pa moraš še vrniti po kaj, kar si imel namesto svojega malega plišastega medvedka in ti je močno priraslo k srcu.
Nazaj na vrh
Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo Pošlji E-sporočilo
Guardian Angel
Guardian Angel

Pridružen/-a: 20.04. 2007, 21:55
Prispevkov: 3900
Kraj: ..somewhere over the rainbow..

PrispevekObjavljeno: Ned 03 Feb 2008 15:18    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom



You need to be mentally intrigued before you will make your move on a perspective mate. Mind contact is a necessity for sexual fulfillment. You are generous, open and sincere to those you care about. You like to get involved in your mates' interests. You will search for answers and the truth in any relationship. You are somewhat shy and will often wait for someone else to make the first move. You can't live within a relationship that is domineering or restrictive in any way. Although you appear to be cool outwardly, you are really quite emotional and tender. When it comes to sexual encounters you are very imaginative, however, you also are a dreamer of erotic fantasies. You will look for a partner who is willing to satisfy your relentless pursuit of intense sexual experiences. You fall in love quickly but you are also hesitant to commit completely to anyone.


You have high standards and you insist on being treated with respect. There is no way you will compromise. You are sensitive, intellectual and you like parties and people. You are honest, direct and will bare your soul to those you care about. You are a very giving person, always willing to offer advice to those in trouble, You are quite capable of doing a man's job and seldom pick your mate based on what he can do for you. You love to travel and must feel independent in your existence. You do require a great deal of love and companionship, however it must be on your terms. You are not that eager to marry and you seek intellectual stimulation foremost.

Ujemanje z drugimi znaki

You tend to match up to most signs in a friendly manner, but when it comes to love some signs are better than others.

AQUARIUS & ARIES: This is an excellent match. You both enjoy a large variety of entertainment. A truly adventuresome union as long as neither one of you tries to dominate or regulate activities.

AQUARIUS & TAURUS: The stubborn Bull will have difficulties understanding the unpredictable side of you. Concessions will be necessary on the part of both of you if success is to follow.

AQUARIUS & GEMINI: This is a delightful, intellectually stimulating relationship. Not always smooth but certainly an exciting and entertaining connection.

AQUARIUS & CANCER: You are far too aloof for the insecure Crab. Not a likely encounter, highly dangerous for Cancer and somewhat binding for you.

AQUARIUS & LEO: You are polar opposites. The is plenty of chemistry, however the Lion is more physical in nature then you are. You on the other hand are concerned with the intellectual aspect of the relationship that is often lacking.

AQUARIUS & VIRGO: You are both into the intellect, however you might be a little bit too progressive for the practical Virgoan. Virgo's are just not social enough to hang on to you or hold your interest.

AQUARIUS & LIBRA: Very well-suited couple both mentally and physically. Exciting, fun loving and carefree connection. Your spending habits are the only foreseeable dilemma.

AQUARIUS & SCORPIO: This is not the best coalition. You are both fixed in your beliefs and your free-spirited nature arouses suspicious side of the Scorpion.

AQUARIUS & SAGITTARIUS: This is a wonderful affair, two ships that pass in the night. You are an active and outgoing couple, however seldom lasting because eventually you will both go in your own direction.

AQUARIUS & CAPRICORN: This is not good. You both have totally different goals in life. You are far too humanitarian to live with the Goat's manipulative, ambitious ways.

AQUARIUS & AQUARIUS: Although this is probably the most inventive coalition, it is lacking in the sexual arena. Not a lasting relationship but it can be fun for the moment.

AQUARIUS & PISCES: This is a pretty dicey combination. The Fish's emotional blackmail only drives you further away. This Pisces is likely to end up hurt and confused.


..ker nikoli ne veš.. mogoče se pa moraš še vrniti po kaj, kar si imel namesto svojega malega plišastega medvedka in ti je močno priraslo k srcu.
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