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Guardian Angel
Guardian Angel

Pridružen/-a: 20.04. 2007, 14:03
Prispevkov: 3320

PrispevekObjavljeno: Ned 20 Maj 2007 11:13    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

What Art Movement Are You?

You Are Expressionism

Moody, emotional, and even a bit angsty... you certainly know how to express your emotions.
At times, you tend to lack perspective on your life, probably as a result of looking inward too much.
This introspection does give you a flair for the dramatic. And it's even maybe made you cultivate some artistic talents!
You have a true artist's temperament... which is a blessing and a curse.
These wounds won't seem to heal
This pain is just too real
There's just too much that time cannot erase
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Guardian Angel
Guardian Angel

Pridružen/-a: 20.04. 2007, 14:03
Prispevkov: 3320

PrispevekObjavljeno: Ned 20 Maj 2007 11:26    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

What Kind of American English Do You Speak?

Your Linguistic Profile:

65% General American English

20% Yankee

10% Dixie

0% Midwestern

0% Upper Midwestern
These wounds won't seem to heal
This pain is just too real
There's just too much that time cannot erase
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Guardian Angel
Guardian Angel

Pridružen/-a: 20.04. 2007, 14:03
Prispevkov: 3320

PrispevekObjavljeno: Ned 20 Maj 2007 11:30    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

Which American Cities Best Fit You?

American Cities That Best Fit You:

65% Atlanta

60% Chicago

55% Boston

50% Austin

50% Miami
These wounds won't seem to heal
This pain is just too real
There's just too much that time cannot erase
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Guardian Angel
Guardian Angel

Pridružen/-a: 20.04. 2007, 14:03
Prispevkov: 3320

PrispevekObjavljeno: Ned 20 Maj 2007 11:33    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

What's Your Vampire Name?

Your Vampire Name Is...

Opal of Babylon
These wounds won't seem to heal
This pain is just too real
There's just too much that time cannot erase
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Guardian Angel
Guardian Angel

Pridružen/-a: 20.04. 2007, 21:55
Prispevkov: 3900
Kraj: ..somewhere over the rainbow..

PrispevekObjavljeno: Ned 20 Maj 2007 13:20    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

What's Your Vampire Name?

Minerva of Arabia


..ker nikoli ne veš.. mogoče se pa moraš še vrniti po kaj, kar si imel namesto svojega malega plišastega medvedka in ti je močno priraslo k srcu.
Nazaj na vrh
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Guardian Angel
Guardian Angel

Pridružen/-a: 20.04. 2007, 14:03
Prispevkov: 3320

PrispevekObjavljeno: Pon 21 Maj 2007 09:14    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

What Type of Beauty Are You?

You Are a Classic Beauty!

You have a timeless beauty that looks great in every decade
Instead following trends, you stick to what works
And this means you never skimp on your beauty routine
Upside? Your classic looks tends to attract gentlemen - not boys.
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Guardian Angel
Guardian Angel

Pridružen/-a: 20.04. 2007, 14:03
Prispevkov: 3320

PrispevekObjavljeno: Pon 21 Maj 2007 09:16    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

How Rare Is Your Personality?

Your Personality is Very Rare (INFP)

Your personality type is dreamy, romantic, elegant, and expressive.

Only about 5% of all people have your personality, including 6% of all women and 4% of all men
You are Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Perceiving.
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Guardian Angel
Guardian Angel

Pridružen/-a: 20.04. 2007, 14:03
Prispevkov: 3320

PrispevekObjavljeno: Pon 21 Maj 2007 09:18    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

What's Your Hidden Talent?

Your Hidden Talent

You have the power to persuade and influence others.
You're the type of person who can turn a whole room around.
The potential for great leadership is there, as long as you don't abuse it.
Always remember, you have a lot more power over people than you might think!
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Starting to get it
Starting to get it

Pridružen/-a: 20.05. 2007, 14:40
Prispevkov: 394
Kraj: vsepovsod dovolj

PrispevekObjavljeno: Pon 21 Maj 2007 14:42    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

You Are 75% Sexy
Your Sex Appeal Is: Extremely High

You're very sexy. You just have that certain something that takes over a room.
You know how to attract, entice, and keep whoever you want. You are truly appealing
your energy makes the sun shine !
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Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo MSN Messenger - naslov 

Pridružen/-a: 20.04. 2007, 14:22
Prispevkov: 1640
Kraj: Somewhere in Germany

PrispevekObjavljeno: Tor 22 Maj 2007 15:10    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

What's Your Leprechaun Name?
A pure heart is rare to find...
Nazaj na vrh
Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo  

Pridružen/-a: 20.04. 2007, 14:22
Prispevkov: 1640
Kraj: Somewhere in Germany

PrispevekObjavljeno: Tor 22 Maj 2007 15:25    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

What Language Should You Learn?
A pure heart is rare to find...
Nazaj na vrh
Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo  

Pridružen/-a: 20.04. 2007, 14:22
Prispevkov: 1640
Kraj: Somewhere in Germany

PrispevekObjavljeno: Sre 23 Maj 2007 18:37    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

American Cities That Best Fit You:

60% New York City

55% Atlanta

55% Honolulu

55% Philadelphia

55% Seattle
A pure heart is rare to find...
Nazaj na vrh
Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo  

Pridružen/-a: 20.04. 2007, 14:22
Prispevkov: 1640
Kraj: Somewhere in Germany

PrispevekObjavljeno: Sre 23 Maj 2007 19:02    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

What Are The Keys To Your Heart?
A pure heart is rare to find...
Nazaj na vrh
Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo  

Pridružen/-a: 20.04. 2007, 14:22
Prispevkov: 1640
Kraj: Somewhere in Germany

PrispevekObjavljeno: Sre 23 Maj 2007 19:05    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

The Keys to Ymy Heart:

You are attracted to obedience and warmth.

In love, you feel the most alive when your lover is creative and never lets you feel bored.

You'd like to your lover to think you are stylish and alluring.

You would be forced to break up with someone who was emotional, moody, and difficult to please.

Your ideal relationship is lasting. You want a relationship that looks to the future... one you can grow with.

Your risk of cheating is 100%. You are not suited for a monogamous relationship.

You think of marriage as something that will confine you. You are afraid of marriage.

In this moment, you think of love as commitment. Love only works when both people are totally devoted.

A pure heart is rare to find...
Nazaj na vrh
Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo  
Guardian Angel
Guardian Angel

Pridružen/-a: 20.04. 2007, 21:55
Prispevkov: 3900
Kraj: ..somewhere over the rainbow..

PrispevekObjavljeno: Sre 23 Maj 2007 23:23    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

What Is Your Seduction Style?

Your Seduction Style: The Charismatic

You're beyond seductive, you're downright magnetic!
You life live and approach seduction on a grand scale.
You have an inner self confidence and energy that most people lack
It's these talents that make you seem extraordinary - and you truly are!

wtf.. hm:


..ker nikoli ne veš.. mogoče se pa moraš še vrniti po kaj, kar si imel namesto svojega malega plišastega medvedka in ti je močno priraslo k srcu.
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